It’s 1am and I am up on the night duty again. Except Amos has been asleep on the sofa since 8.30!! I really should be in bed asleep now but I know if I move him he will wake up so I’m just waiting for him to stir. Knowing my luck it will be another few hours because I have to stay awake all day as Craig is in the office and won’t be back until 9pm. I am not looking forward to it.
While I sit up at night I really enjoy looking at blogs. Some of my favourites are listed along the side of this one, but I really must update the list as I have found a few more.
One particularly inspiring one is
this one written by a very special online friend of mine. And I hope she doesn’t mind me saying this, but, very excitingly, she has a book out very soon -
here Could you cut your rubbish down as much as the Strauss family have???
I’m also worryingly addicted to Time Team. Seriously! Last night I sat and watched 6 episodes and this afternoon I had to watch another one. As I type this I am really wanting to start my TT marathon for tonight. I watch a lot of them on C4 catch up and 4OD and have seen
this ad numerous times which I love. But there is now another instalment of it
here which is even funnier. The best ads on TV IMHO!!
Have you noticed I have finally discovered how to do hyperlinks??? Of course, if they don’t actually work I am going to look very silly!
Not a great deal has been happening here other than me sitting up all night watching people digging around in the dirt and finding bits of pot that look like a little bit of stone or something that are proclaimed to be Roman amphora or something equally impressive. How can they tell???? How do they know what that tiny fragment is, how old it is and where it was made??? Or do they just make it up?
I have done a bit more knitting and finished a pair of socks for me today. Next project is Shaun the Sheep - a kit I bought about 18 months ago with the intention of making it for Robbie for Christmas. Well, I didn’t say which Christmas!!!!
Right, off to find something to eat and settle down to Tony and co. And I wonder why I'm not losing weight???