Tuesday, 24 April 2012

It’s Millie’s 12th birthday today, where did the time go??  We had a little tea party for her last night which they all seemed to enjoy.  It was lovely to see her face when she saw that she had some more presents.  As I couldn’t decide which cake to buy her I ended up getting her two, one of which they had last night and the other one I’m going to save until the weekend.

Another bit of nice news from me is that I’ve been seeing someone new since January.  We actually met last year at my best friend’s wedding but were both seeing other people so it didn’t cross my mind that we would become an item.  It was only when we met again at the Groom’s birthday do in January that we ended up getting together as we were both single again.

He’s lovely, really kind, and not one of those arrogant men who can’t admit they are wrong and have to be right all the time or who can’t admit to not knowing something.

We’re both really busy with our own lives – I have the children, my OU course, the gym etc. and he has work, his son and all of his other interests – so we’re not in each other’s pockets and always round at each other’s houses at every possible moment.  Before I met him again I’d actually made a conscious decision to stay single (I really must do a blog entry with all my dating stories, my nail technician says I should write a book with them all because some of them are hilarious) because the men I’d gone out with all wanted to spend more time with me than I did with them.  I’ve got so used to having my time to myself when the children are at their dad’s I really don’t want to give it up for anyone.  I love my evenings on my own where I put my PJs on about 6pm and either curl up on the sofa with the TV programmes I’ve recorded or in bed with a load of reading material.  I also just didn’t want the complications of a relationship getting in the way of my OU course either.

So we see each other once a week, sometimes twice, and it’s really nice that we’ve got loads to talk about.  He introduced me to one of his hobbies last week which I really enjoyed (more on that in a later post!). 

One of the disadvantages of his job is the early mornings though!!  I am soooo not a morning person and I don’t think I ever will be.  He owns a farm and when I stay over his alarm goes off before 7am and if that hasn’t woken me up the farm machinery outside is guaranteed to.  As a child I always wished I lived on a farm and now I have to admit I am really glad I don’t!!   It was nice to wake up there on Easter Monday morning and not only not have to get up at stupid o’clock but also for there to be total silence as well.  As he had no work that day we spent a lovely morning just chilling out, watching TV, drinking coffee and eating hot cross buns.  J

There is an advantage to the stupidly early mornings though, it does mean I can shock my bestie by turning up mega early for things when she is used to me being late.  We’d arranged to meet in Costa one morning and she walked straight past at ten past nine thinking there was no way on earth I would be there at that time.  I was well chuffed to show off my receipt that said I was served at ten to nine!! Lol

Another advantage is the fresh eggs for nothing, without the hassle of actually keeping the hens yourself.

So with that and everything else going on in my life right now I’m really happy.  Maybe that should be the topic of another entry?  The secret of how I found true happiness??  Watch this space…..  ;-)