On Sunday I took three of the girls to a Green Parent forum meet up near Lincoln. I nearly didn’t go I have to admit, especially when I woke up this morning and really wanted to go back to sleep, but the thought of seeing a rather wonderful lady (the author of the Smile a Day blog in my blog list) again and of meeting another online friend plus meeting up with a few other mums from the forum forced me out of bed.
I’m really glad that we did go though. It was lovely to meet up and be able to put faces to names now, and the lunch was lovely. I love soup and we were spoilt for choice with four different ones. I have to admit to having two bowls because I couldn’t decide which ones to go for and now regret not trying the other two as well.
The walk round the nature reserve wasn’t huge fun I will admit. Whinging children are not great company especially when 5 minutes after you’ve set off they want to know when the walk will end.
I also finally made my thing for the seasonal swap on the GP forum this week which is a huge relief. I really didn’t know what to make, no inspiration from anywhere until one afternoon just as I was waking up from a sleep I suddenly had the idea. I wont say what it was at the moment in case my recipient is reading but I will say that blood, sweat and tears went into it. Well, maybe not sweat, it was very relaxing to make, but there is possibly a bit of blood in it where I stabbed myself and tears from when I missed out on an eBay auction for something (yes, I was going to cheat!!) because my internet link went down 5 minutes before the end of the auction just as I was about to bid and didn’t come back until 2 minutes after it ended. I did cry a bit out of sheer frustration at missing it and because I was totally stuck for ideas. Anyway, I hope it is liked. I liked it so much I made another one to keep.
This week I have also made a sock which turned out to be too big for me so Craig is getting them when the second one is done, and a teddy for the baby. I am really pleased with it and am currently making the little outfit for it. Photos of the sock and teddy above.
Otherwise a quietish week. I can’t believe it is getting so close to Christmas. I’m hoping to get the tree etc up over the weekend. Craig is in Germany again next week so I’ll be on my own for a few days which I don’t mind, but I am really needing an afternoon sleep nowadays so I may struggle a bit this time. I am now counting down the weeks in single figures to Feb which is a bit “oh blimey, that’s gone quick”. I’m really looking forward to it, but at the same time don’t want the pregnancy to end either as I’m really enjoying having a bump again.
Oh, I did forget to mention I have been back to see the asthma nurse and am on yet another inhaler. Hopefully this will be the right one for me.
Anyway, that’s it for now.
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