A few days ago I promised Millie we could make some felted balls for the baby. Of course, I didn’t quite get round to it and she kept asking me. So, today I got the kit out and we sat down to make them. Beth and Robbie joined in (Ellie was out with daddy and Barney doing the shopping, Sophie was asleep on the sofa, the boys playing in the dining room) and off we went. 
I followed the instructions on how to make them but when it came to felting them it all went a bit pear shaped. Ok, very pear shaped. It just didn’t work. As soon as they were put into the water as per the instructions they just fell apart and didn’t felt. Luckily I’d only put mine in to demonstrate how to do it so we abandoned wet felting them and needle felted instead. We also abandoned our original designs and make other things. Beth did attempt to wet felt her but gave up after a while as it didn’t quite work which is a shame.
I followed the instructions on how to make them but when it came to felting them it all went a bit pear shaped. Ok, very pear shaped. It just didn’t work. As soon as they were put into the water as per the instructions they just fell apart and didn’t felt. Luckily I’d only put mine in to demonstrate how to do it so we abandoned wet felting them and needle felted instead. We also abandoned our original designs and make other things. Beth did attempt to wet felt her but gave up after a while as it didn’t quite work which is a shame.
I made a bumble bee, Robbie made Mario, Millie made a ladybird.
Millie really got bitten by the felting bug and made lots of things once the main session was over, and Ellie joined her and made several things too when she got back from Tesco.
Millie really got bitten by the felting bug and made lots of things once the main session was over, and Ellie joined her and made several things too when she got back from Tesco.
I did come close to losing my temper a few times while we were crafting, but I managed not to - I have no patience at all so find it very hard to teach my children things - which I’m really pleased about.
We all enjoyed it so much that tomorrow we’re going to have another attempt at wet felting, this time something flat. One thing we’re going to make is a duck pond for Alfie for his birthday - he’s getting some Ostheimer ducks for his birthday and I thought a pond might be a really nice idea. I’ve seen a felted farmyard in a magazine and am wondering about having a go at making something like that for him for all the wooden animals we have, but that will probably have to be for Christmas.
While we were working away I was listening to the children chatting and Ellie and Millie were talking about how when they are mums they are going to make their children’s toys themselves which I thought was a lovely idea. I’m so glad that they have the same ideals as I have. And I hope they have the same love of crafts.
It was quite hard to let them use my wool. I had to really bite my tongue to stop myself from telling them not to use too much or not to waste it. But if they did use it all would it really matter? Surely it’s better for them to remember making lovely things from lovely materials than to remember that mummy had a massive stash of craft materials they weren’t allowed to touch and that never got used - can you imagine if they were clearing out the house after I have died and it’s all still there, unused, when they could have spent hours having fun with it as children?
So I am feeling like a really good mummy tonight! J
Oh, and not all the photos could be uploaded so I'll post some more tomorrow.